The collection is created by a talented artist Kikuchi Nami, whom had experience working for several gaming companies.
Growing up between Japan and China,the unresolved scars of the historical conflict that once torn these nations apart still echos in her daily life.
In this collection, The artist aim to explore on the theme “scars of wars”.
Each trait is carefuly crafted facet of war: shattered childhood, seperated family, inflation, greed and gluttony.INSPIRATION
Our design process began with the Shape's minimalistic black circle logo. After realizing it resembled a Pac-Man with a closed mouth, the concept evolved into a Pac-like figure. It's also a perfect symbol for the insatiable appetite for resources which is the root of conflicts.MESSAGE
The theme for shapecraft is bringing the "worlds" togethers. We hope that it's not only for the creative world we built, but also the literal worlds we inhabit.
By building a competitive-collaborative strategy game, we hope our game and art works in sychrony to bring the community together and help people reflect on the increasingly divided world we are living in.
While selfish actors may find locally optimal solutions, sometimes you have to work with others to escape from the local optimal, for a better reward.